Scope of Research & Demonstration at MBFI


Demonstration projects are designed to showcase beneficial management practices, new tools or technologies, innovative grazing or cropping practices, and economics of practices.

Data is collected to illustrate how the practice(s) perform at MBFI farm stations, and findings are specific to the growing conditions at each station. Projects may collect information on the types and number of plants present, forage yield and quality, soil properties, livestock weight gain, days of grazing, labour, and associated cash costs.

Demonstration projects may be designed as Case Studies to display and document how a practice performs at MBFI. These projects do not have treatment replication or control for comparison.

Replicated Demonstration projects are designed with randomized treatment replication and/or a control treatment to assess how the practice(s) perform differently under the conditions at MBFI.


Academic led Discovery and Applied Research are designed to the standard of respective disciplines for the purpose of publication in a peer-reviewed journal.

In the interim of an academic study a generalized project overview will be available along with any conference proceedings and poster presentations for public viewing. At completion of an academic study the thesis or dissertation and resulting publications will be linked to the MBFI website.

Annual and Final report authors are responsible for the content of their reports as posted to MBFI’s website, findings are specific to the site and conditions of MBFI farm stations.

Role of MBFI’s Research Advisory Committee

The role of the Research Advisory Committee (RAC) is to provide leadership and advice to help shape MBFI’s current and future research and demonstration priorities and activities. The RAC is a critical piece of MBFI governance that ensures activities at MBFI continue to be relevant, industry-led, and of benefit to Manitoba’s cattle and forage industries.

Membership of the RAC includes academic researchers, industry and conservation specialists, and producers. RAC members have a strong understanding of producer opportunities to innovate, of research being conducted in and out of the province, capacity at MBFI, and what is needed to advance research and farm led-innovation in Manitoba.

In broad proposal intake sessions, the RAC membership will:

  • Be called to contribute strategic research and demonstration advice to draft targeted calls for proposals

  • Provide independent advice on the scientific, technical, and production merits of proposed study by reviewing, deliberating, and providing a ranking score and recommendation on each proposal

  • The RAC Chair will present the intake proposal recommendations from the RAC to the MBFI Board of Directors to be approved. Proposals recommended for approval will align with targeted call priorities, be highly ranked, and be within MBFI animal care provision, budget, land, and labour capacity.

Intake Process

Manitoba Beef & Forage Initiatives works with academic researchers, extension specialists, and producers to bring projects to fruition.

  • Externally funded academic researchers wishing to collaborate with MBFI, please use the submission form

  • Producer inspired ideas are further developed by MBFI staff - submit ideas here

For questions or more information, please contact MBFI.

Explore MBFI Projects