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Precision cattle ranching for improved reproductive efficiencies


Project Details


At an early age after weaning, this study will use novel technology and devices to assess yearling replacement beef heifer fertility, conformation, temperament, productivity and performance. Assessments and measurements are evaluated for their use as suitable indicators and predictors of cow reproductive efficiency and herd longevity.

Our hypothesis involves assessment and evaluation of desired phenotypes and genotypes for replacement beef heifers through use of wearable sensors and genetic lab determinations. Technology includes:

  1. Moonsyst smart bolus for estrus detection, water consumption/illness identification, and body temperature

  2. GPS enabled ear tags for location and breeding activity

  3. OneCup AI BETSY visual cameras for validation of estrous behaviour

  4. DNA from hair samples for offspring parentage, and for EnVigourHX to determine heifer breed composition, hybrid vigour, and genomics for multi-trait indexes

  5. Ultrasound of carcass traits to determine backfat, ribeye area, rib fat and marbling; gynecological ultrasound of ovaries, uterus and cervix for immaturity or abnormalities; and for pregnancy detection

  6. Average daily gain and weight measurements by traditional scale for growth and performance

Visual assessments of conformation through a feet & leg score will be taken prior to heifers leaving for the breeding season.

This research will be repeated at Lakeland College in Alberta, Buck Lake Ranch & Thompson River University in British Columbia, and Manitoba Beef & Forage Initiatives in Manitoba.

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